(set WELC "\n\n\n\nWelcome to Safe v12.3 Installation Script.\n(c)1998-2000 by Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski\n\nThis script installs only Safe file\nand adds it to user-startup!")
(set WHER "Please select a place where you want to install Safe.")
(set WHLP "Where do you want to have this!")
(set CPNG "Copying Safe into ")
(set ADDG "Adding Safe to \"S:User-Startup\".")
(set AHLP "To check the system on startup!")
(set QES1 "\n\n\nDo You want TCP Patch?")
(set Q1HE "To detect activity of trojans/viruses that opens remote shells in TCP: device.")
(set QES2 "\n\n\nDo You want Ram disk: renamer?")
(set Q2HE "Renaming Ram disk: to RAM: that helps with some programs.")
(if (= @language "polski")
(set YEP "Tak")
(set NOP "Nie")
(set NEED "Safe potrzebuje OS2.0+ !\n")
(set WELC "\n\n\n\nWitaj w skrypcie instalacyjnym programu Safe v12.3!\n(c)1998-2000 by Zbigniew `Zeeball` Trzcionkowski\n\nTen skrypt instaluje tylko plik Safe-a\ni dodaje go do user-startup!")
(set WHER "Proszë wybraê miejsce, gdzie ma byê zainstalowany Safe.")
(set WHLP "Gdzie go chcesz mieê!")
(set CPNG "Kopiujë Safe-a do ")
(set ADDG "Dodajë Safe-a do \"S:User-Startup\".")
(set AHLP "Ûeby sprawdziê system na starcie!")
(set QES1 "\n\n\nCzy chcesz TCP Patch?")
(set Q1HE "Aby wykryê dziaîalnoôê wirusów/trojanów, które tworzâ zdalne shelle w urzâdzeniu TCP:")
(set QES2 "\n\n\nCzy chcesz Ram disk: renamer?")
(set Q2HE "Zmiana nazwy Ram disk: na RAM:, co pomaga przy pracy z niektórymi programami.")